Removing excess oil from the skin on the face can help reduce acne breakouts because your pores are less clogged as a result. The key is to strike a balance between having too much oil and maintaining your skin’s natural moisture.

This roller is made of natural volcanic stone and it’s an ideal tool for those who have oily or acne-prone skin as it works really well to control oil. You can also use it on your makeup without messing it up.

Ice offer so many benefits for skin.
the refreshing cold gliding relieves redness and heat, reduces puffiness and inflammation, gently stimulates microcirculation resulting in fresh & bright skin, soothes eye fatigue and may reduce sinus headaches.

It’s good for all type of skin because the roller can both soothe dry areas of the face as well as reduce oiliness in other areas.

Skin cleansing is so incredibly important as it deep cleans and gets rid of all of the excess dirt, makeup, and impurities you’ve encountered throughout the day. This cleansing brush will help to keep your skin clear, healthy, and radiant.